Sunday, June 10, 2007


Clare loved music and well-composed sermons. According to those who knew her, she was humble, merciful, charming, optimistic, and chivalrous. She would get up late at night to tuck in her sisters who'd kicked off their covers. She daily meditated on the Passion. When she learned of the Franciscan martyrs in Morocco in 1221, she tried to go there to become a martyr herself, but was restrained. Once when her convent was about to be attacked, she displayed the Sacrament in a monstrance at the convent gates, and prayed before it; the attackers left. Toward the end of her life, when the was too ill to attend Mass, an image of the service would be displayed on the wall of her cell; thus she is called the patroness of television. She was ever the close friend and spiritual student of Francis, who apparently led her soul into the light.

Her body remains incorrupt.

On 11 February 1858, around the time of her first Communion, Bernadette was gathering firewood with her sisters when a beautiful lady appeared to her in a cave. She appeared a total of 18 times. Before the last apparition the Lady said to her " I am the Immaculate Conception" ,she asked her to pray for sinners and to have a Chapel built near the grotto. After the last apparition a spring of miraculous waters sprang from the ground.

Bernadette became a nun and died at the age of thirty six, her body remains incorrupt.

Imelda was a girl who died at the age of 11 in 1333. She loved Our Lord in the Eucharist but could not receive Him because of her age. One morning after Mass a consecrated Host miraculously appeared to her and after receiving it, she went into ecstasy and died. Her First Communion was her last!

Her body remains incorrupt.

St. Margaret Mary Alacoque: Her heart and brain are still incorrupt.

Anna Maria Gesualda Antonia Taigi .
She is one of the saints with incorruptible bodies. Daughter of a bankrupt druggist. Mother of seven. Prophet. Clairvoyant. Counsellor to cardinals.

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