Sunday, June 17, 2007


The Fort Crawford Medical Museum, Prairie du Chien, WI, chronicles the digestive experiments of our hero, Dr. Beaumont, but the real stars are the Transparent Twins, two clear plastic female mannequins. Organs glow, arteries pulse, nerves shimmer in cool blue. They rotate to display their transparent backsides.

The twin on the right does all the talking -- probably because her sister has no face. (Note: the Twins model in the promo photo, left, is arranged with the talking sister on the left.)

"How do you do? We are the transparent twins. Imagine if your skin suddenly became transparent -- then you would look much like me."

Mysterious pelvic organs blink on. "My eggs, when fertilized by sperm from my husband, will turn into a child." Two higher bulbs brighten. "My breasts provide milk for the newborn..."

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