Sunday, April 6, 2008

Music Museum

His reviews:
Here's another number - a doo-wop/calypso - about libidinal cravings for an attractive female, done by Havana heartthrobs whose Motown-style choreography and impeccable voices kept the palms of Cuban girls moist for much of the sixties.
"Tuareg" is an inauthentic name for the various tribes of the Saharan region given by North African Muslim marauders. It's an insulting Arabic term meaning "the Godforsaken." It's also the name of this Jorge Ben tune, recorded in 1969 by the Queen of the Tropicalia scene, that mashes up Brazilian psychedelia with the trippy desert music familiar to the people the song is named for.
Called "Jewish-Marxist noise" by the Nazis in 1932, this German singing supergroup broke up two years later after it was prohibited from performing due to the non-Aryan heritage of half its members. This piece of fluff was recorded a month before the split.

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