Monday, April 28, 2008

"on boring works"

In the dead of night I am sent an essay from Kazakhstan to edit:

Name of essay: Destroying of rocks by high-frequency blasting

On open and underground rock extractions of GUS countries during long period of time was upgraded and implemented only one type of method, explosive material, scheme of explosion and equipment. All this made special prerequisites for realization of upcoming hip in blasting complex. It was supported by results of long lasting implementation idea of A.V. Budko in the beginning of 1960. The idea of mass and power increasing of technological charges by their concentration in the groups of parallel approached wells, that was further researched and developed in RSD after A.A. Skochinskii. On this basis were risen scientifical and applied branches on plosive
destruction of rocks and other possibilities of control of energy of blasting in the
breaking array. In IPKON RAS have been made researches in huge-scale breaking (KMO) and developed its theoretical base, some results were presented in the works of S.D. Viktorov, V.M. Zakalinskii, that were published in the "Mining journal of Kazakhstan" #7 of 2007. "Improvement of blasting destroys of rock arrays". In this work the huges-cale blasting of breaking in underground conditions is recommended to implement with charges of big diameter (d>150 mm), and on open areas in holes - with diameter more than 300 mm or in areas of close located holes, boiler cavities etc. So, was reviewed the perspective of development in modern conditions on underground and ground areas a new branch in drilling-and-blasting works of technology of large-scale blasting preparation of ore and rock blocks to seizure. But huge-scale blasting preparation of ore and rock blocks could be processed under decreased masses of hole and bore-hole charges and gradual energy savings. With the goal of sharp decreasing of specific BM on cubical meter of destroying rock with simultaneously strengthening of destroying capacity of destroying charger were developed new ways of blasting works. The new technology of blasting destroying of rock massif based on using high frequency explosion. Presented technology may be combined with current methods of explosions without gradual changes of blasting operations.
The improvement of blasting destroying of rock massif should be made by development of new technologies that could compete on the level of world standards. The new approaches on the solving of such kind of problems have to be supported by gradual energy savings, or more precise, by decreasing specific costs on boring works by using maneuvering boring equipment, decreasing diameters of well, by making the net of boring and decreasing the overbore-processing. Taking into attention the dangerous of blasting operations, it's necessary to support high level of safety, by decreasing the dispersion of rock particles and by implementation safe, cheap ammonium-nitrate BM, with a purpose on mechanization the process of preparation BM and hole charging.
Technology of high-frequency blasting is supported by simultaneous effect of
several factors of blasting process. First of all, dispersed and sharply accelerated speed of blasting process. Its duration measured in the range of time, which is counted in nano and micro seconds. Second, is made a dispersal blasting of big mass of explosive material in the unit of time. Third, being changed the direction of effect of accelerated products of explosion located perpendicularly to charge axis that supports dynamic stall of escaping of explosive gases from hole (bore-hole). Fourth, resulted concentration of voltage waves outside of charge in the destroying rock massif, by special form of charging material.
Decreasing the charge mass in the hole (bore-hole) do not decrease the energy of blasting, because it sharply increase the speed of charging process. The increasing speed of blasting gases supports the fullness of burn of all the components of BM and supports the decreasing the time of blasting impulse. The decreasing time of blasting impulse increases the output of explosive energy, because exuded same quantity of energy for the short period of time. Increasing the speed of products of detonation supports the fullness of chemistry reaction of blasting, decreasing the output of poison gases that supports to the standards of ecological requirements for making blasting works, especially operated underground.

1 comment:

- said...

Language Log today: “Logical abstract nonsense is a subfield of general abstract nonsense”