Tuesday, April 15, 2008


"In the 12th century, Peter the Venerable, Abbot of Cluny, initiated a
dialogue with the Islamic world. "I approach you not with arms, but
with words," he wrote to the Muslims whom he imagined reading his
book, "not with force, but with reason, not with hatred, but with
love." Yet his treatise was entitled Summary of the Whole Heresy of
the Diabolical Sect of the Saracens and segued repeatedly into
spluttering intransigence. Words failed Peter when he contemplated the
"bestial cruelty" of Islam, which, he claimed, had established itself
by the sword. Was Muhammad a true prophet? "I shall be worse than a
donkey if I agree," he expostulated, "worse than cattle if I assent!"


MyFleshSingsOut said...

If only the Venerable Peter would have realized that his Iron/Bronze-Age mythology's Holy Book shares several of the exact same first few books as his "bestial" enemies' Qur'an, maybe then they could merge and form an alliance against the evils of "modernity". Monotheists unite!

Judaism was poorly plagarized and became Christianity, Christianity was poorly plagarized and became Islam...where is this all really headed?

May Zeus/Zoraster/Mithra Bless You All.

Zaria-Jade said...

Ummm.... if i may say briefly. Jewdaism believed in a coming Messiah called Yehweh. May verses in the old testament tell how the jews could know if any person was the Messiah. When Jesus Christ came He fulfilled all of these things. He was the Messiah that the jews were waiting for. Yet they did not believe He was. Those who did believe He was Messiah were then called Chistians Or "Christ ones" meaning that through faith in Christ they had become part of the Family of Christ.
Muslims belive Jesus was a prophet and that the writings about Him were corrupted yet there are many evidences to the contrary.
Jews are of the lineage of Abraham, so are Muslims yet Of Abrahams sons God chose Isaac to be the the promised line of Christ. Yet Muslims claim Ishmeal as their forerunner.
Please know that Jewdaism,Christianity, and Islam are all monotheistic but in no means are they plagarisms of each other.